Suki's Safe Haven is exactly what it sounds like - a safe place for victims of veterinary incompetence, negligence, and abuse to obtain information about this disturbing but important subject. It's a companion site to The Veterinary Abuse Network, which grew out of a site founded in 2000 in memory of Suki the Cat, REPEATEDLY MISTREATED BY EDWARD J NICHOLS DVM, CRESTWAY ANIMAL CLINIC, San Antonio, and to alert the public of serious flaws in state board systems that routinely look the other way to protect the vets - and not our pets. You'll find original posts and articles as well as links to victims' stories, resources, other sites and blogs, and media coverage from all over the net. We'll also cover First Amendment issues for those of us who have been sued by the very veterinarians who mistreated our pets and then used the legal system in an attempt to silence us.

We will never forget. We will never be silenced.

This is an independent consumer advocacy blog and not associated with any government agency in any way.

First Amendment

Some veterinarians have the money, clout, and arrogance to go after their own victims in an attempt to bully, intimidate, or threaten them into silence. 
Know your rights.

Public Participation Project - Fighting for Free Speech

Public Citizen

Electronic Frontier Foundation 

Chilling Effects

Not for Californians only, a great resource on anti-SLAPP statutes around U.S.
California anti-SLAPP Project

My own First Amendment Resource Page, from the Veterinary Abuse Network First Amendment Info