No single event in a
beloved pet's life is as heart-wrenching as a guardian's decision to
humanely end it. When that moment is tainted by suspected veterinary
negligence or incompetence, it becomes unbearable.
Veterinary victim Barbara
Albright of New Hampshire took her eyewitness account of her beloved Scottish Terrier Pocket's inhumane euthanasia, along with some interesting public record information she located, straight to her lawyer – and to the
Internet. Refusing to bow down to the vet's counterclaim for
defamation and attendant legal demands, her suit settled last year. She bravely
continues to write and blog about a variety of subjects, including
Pocket's case, no matter what is thrown at her. One of her recent
posts, March 17, 2012, addresses the most recent threat from vet John
M. MacGregor's lawyer, to which Barbara replied with documents she
received as a result of a FOIA request.
Barbara has a wealth of
links and resources on her blog, including legal and legislative
news, DEA licensing issues, stories of fellow vet victims, and
candidly personal accounts, along with take-no-prisoners observations
and opinions on how things work in New Hampshire such as the state's
peer assistance program for substance abuse and vet board shenanigans.
This is one tough lady
who's been called every name in the book by her adversaries. I call
her amazing. Check it out.