It is a brilliant concept: Highlight a bad vet every day of the year. Heaven knows there's more than enough to go around. While veterinary victim Stefani Olsen's initial plan didn't quite work out that way -- blogging is very time-consuming and emotionally draining when dealing with accounts like these -- the result is no less stunning. The Bad Vet Daily blog showcases an astounding array of some of the most despicable, incompetent, and arrogant vets imaginable.
And here's the beauty part: These miscreants' antics are taken directly from public record. Meaning these are not simply Stefani's opinions – not that she shies away from offering her spot-on observations about these creeps – but documented incidents of either statute violations at the state board level or criminal cases involving veterinarians.
And here's the beauty part: These miscreants' antics are taken directly from public record. Meaning these are not simply Stefani's opinions – not that she shies away from offering her spot-on observations about these creeps – but documented incidents of either statute violations at the state board level or criminal cases involving veterinarians.
If you think there are no bad vets anywhere and we're all a bunch of nuts making things up, I urge you to take a look at Stef's blog. She is impeccably documented and you can verify for yourself her sources, media coverage, and news links. It's a great testament and a wonderful educational resource in honor of her beloved Toonces the cat and as a companion blog to her excellent site, The Toonces Project.
Warning: BVD is a veritable Hall of Horrors of vets and pulls no punches. Some of these news reports and documents contain extremely graphic and disturbing material. I promise you that you will never look at vets the same way again.