is a second in a series that spotlights veterinary victims' Tribute
Sites that go beyond the story of their own tragedy to help educate
others on matters of public concern, health, and safety.
site: http://spankysvoice.weebly.com/
owner: Nettie (Sissy) Dunn
Brackeen, Anchor Road Veterinary Clinic, Angleton, Texas
cut right to the chase: Gary Brackeen of Angleton, Texas, is a bad
A very bad vet.
Don't believe me? Read what the Texas Board of
Veterinary Medical Examiners essentially had to say about this
“doctor” when they issued a formal reprimand against him on October 18, 2011 in their Agreed Order, which resulted in a two-year
probation, orders to take continuing education, and to pay
restitution to Spanky's owner.
Dr. Brackeen violated 5 (five) Rules of Professional Conduct and admitted to self-administering 3 (three) prescription medications
Dr. Brackeen did not use the proper care or humane treatment that is required by the Veterinary Code of Ethics.
Brackeen did not use the proper care or humane treatment that is
required by the Veterinary Code of Ethics
Brackeen allows his unlicensed help to perform and medically treat
animals without his input
Brackeen failed to record the required information that would be
helpful in diagnosing why an animal died while in his care
Brackeen dispensed prescription drugs for his personal use
that last one that's the killer: As if a regular BadVet isn't bad
enough, how about a BadVet prescribing drugs for himself? Brackeen
admitted to self-prescribing Lasix (diuretic), amoxicillin
(antibiotic), and methocarbamol (muscle relaxant). Like all BadVets
everywhere, none of these creeps ever think the rules apply to them. But even for a BadVet, Brackeen is a real horror story--and for anybody who thinks cheap vet care is the way to go, you may want to rethink that decision.
you would think that a vet like this would straighten up and fly
right after this damning evidence and disciplinary action by the
state vet board?
Nah. Some of these BadVets are so far gone they
don't care about anything anymore.
The Texas veterinary board should have yanked this
guy's license on the spot. But they didn't. Even with
self-prescribing and medicating, allowing unlicensed personnel to
treat animals without supervision, recordkeeping violations, and
violations of the Professional Standard of Humane Care that resulted
in a formal reprimand, they allowed Brackeen to continue to “treat”
animals, relying on the hope that maybe Brackeen would do the right
thing and not renew his license.
what? That didn't happen. Two years later, Brackeen continues to
practice, and right now there are ten open investigations on Brackeen
and two against one of his employees. These involve allegations that
his treatment resulted in the deaths of more animals. That's right. Members of people's families, just like Spanky
was a beloved member of the Dunn family, continue to be harmed or
killed and once again, all the signs point to Brackeen's “cheap”
substandard veterinary "care." How much more proof does the Texas vet
board need to end this guy's reign of terror?
considering filing a complaint in Texas should read every page of
Spanky's Voice, because Sissy has done her homework from day one,
while enduring the same unending grief and outrage that we all do
when a vet has caused the death of our loved ones. She has turned her
outrage into true consumer advocacy, helping others and continuing
Spanky's legacy:
have met some wonderful people through this process and learned many
details and I have heard many sad stories of neglect,” says Sissy.
“Spanky’s page has been instrumental to getting the word out.” She says that the
site has had views from every state in the U.S., as well as visitors
from Japan, Russia, the UK, Spain and many more. “I could never
have imagined the amount of people that would be interested in my
sweet boy's story.”
are interested because the site is so well documented it's like going
through the experience every step of the way—not that we would wish
that on anybody. And Sissy didn't stop with a kick-ass web site. She
has organized regular protests of Brackeen's clinic, Anchor Road
Veterinary Hospital, to call attention to not only Brackeen but also
to raise awareness of BadVets everywhere. The next demonstration will
be on Saturday, September 21, 2013, from 8a to 12p. Angleton is about 40
miles south of Houston on 288.
Try to go and show your support, but at the very least check out Sissy's excellent site. She is, was, and always will be Spanky's Voice.
Try to go and show your support, but at the very least check out Sissy's excellent site. She is, was, and always will be Spanky's Voice.
Takeaway for Owners/Guardians:
with the state vet board can be so grueling that it's almost like
watching your pet die all over again, over and over. You need a thick
skin, the patience of a saint, and the stubbornness of a mule (or a really BadVet who won't go away). Take a
tip from Sissy (and Winston Churchill): “Never, ever, ever give
up.” When it looked like the board was going to let Brackeen's
disciplinary action requirements slip beneath the waves, Sissy was all over them
with polite but firm correspondence, asking them to make sure that
Brackeen was complying with the Agreed Order. Spanky's site
documents all of this in great detail, while keeping the site easy to
read and follow.
Takeaway for Vets: If
you get caught violating this many statutes, have harmed and/or killed
this many pets, and you are self-prescribing and self-medicating to
boot, get out of the veterinary profession. Stop making excuses
for your sorry self, stop shifting the blame, and stop lying. Your
denial serves no purpose except to keep taking people's pets, trust,
and money for your own selfish arrogance and ego food. Enough.
Takeaway for Vet Boards: There should be zero tolerance for repeat
offenders when there is this much evidence that so much is going
wrong at one vet clinic. Stay on top of disciplinary actions to make
sure that vets are complying with the Agreed Order – otherwise
what's the point? Get rid of these bad apples—now--before they can hurt anyone
else's pet.