is a second in a series that spotlights veterinary victims' Tribute
Sites that go beyond the story of their own tragedy to help educate
others on matters of public concern, health, and safety.
site: http://spankysvoice.weebly.com/
owner: Nettie (Sissy) Dunn
Brackeen, Anchor Road Veterinary Clinic, Angleton, Texas
cut right to the chase: Gary Brackeen of Angleton, Texas, is a bad
A very bad vet.
Don't believe me? Read what the Texas Board of
Veterinary Medical Examiners essentially had to say about this
“doctor” when they issued a formal reprimand against him on October 18, 2011 in their Agreed Order, which resulted in a two-year
probation, orders to take continuing education, and to pay
restitution to Spanky's owner.
Dr. Brackeen violated 5 (five) Rules of Professional Conduct and admitted to self-administering 3 (three) prescription medications
Dr. Brackeen did not use the proper care or humane treatment that is required by the Veterinary Code of Ethics.
Brackeen did not use the proper care or humane treatment that is
required by the Veterinary Code of Ethics
Brackeen allows his unlicensed help to perform and medically treat
animals without his input
Brackeen failed to record the required information that would be
helpful in diagnosing why an animal died while in his care
Brackeen dispensed prescription drugs for his personal use
that last one that's the killer: As if a regular BadVet isn't bad
enough, how about a BadVet prescribing drugs for himself? Brackeen
admitted to self-prescribing Lasix (diuretic), amoxicillin
(antibiotic), and methocarbamol (muscle relaxant). Like all BadVets
everywhere, none of these creeps ever think the rules apply to them. But even for a BadVet, Brackeen is a real horror story--and for anybody who thinks cheap vet care is the way to go, you may want to rethink that decision.